We don’t sing ‘Kumbaya’ or anything, but we do partner with competitors in the parking ecosystem

The Digital Age ushered in a whole new way of doing business in the parking world. Owners of real estate and their parking operators won’t settle for anything less than a parking experience that meets the high expectations of every single customer, from the millennial who never carries cash to the boomer who always does. While we normally fly solo in valet parking world, it's a different story in the parking industry.
Anti-cash vs. pro-cash
What’s the result of this steadfast commitment to cater to anti-cash and pro-cash customers in the same lot? Former competitors became frenemies. We personally stopped shrieking at the top of our lungs that TEZ cloud-based software is better than a hardware-based kiosk system, because the reality is some customers enjoy being quarter hoarders and WiFi isn’t 100% reliable. Yes, I went there.
Unlikely Partnerships
We faked it at first, but once we realized everyone benefits from this collaboration, these initial testy team-ups grew into actual partnerships. Our collaboration gives customers ultimate flexibility to pay for parking with cash at a kiosk, through a parking app if they prefer, or cloud-based software like Text2Park. And this new, high functioning ecosystem is thriving, not unlike the multi-app movement. And while I shamelessly tout that Text2Park also gives owners and operators a variety of robust enforcement and management tools to facilitate instant “plug and play” operational improvements and greater customer service capacities, I concede that all of these platforms have their merits. When we augment our product by adding competitor offerings, everybody wins.