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TEZ is thrilled to partner with IPMI to utilize our app-free TEXT2PARK platform to raise money at this year’s IPMI Parking & Mobility Conference & Expo. This is an amazing opportunity to use our innovative payment platform in a unique way and raise awareness for two great causes. We’ve selected…
Read MoreParking technology has come such a long way in recent years, allowing operators to streamline the way they manage their parking facilities and serve their customers. One way that TEZ has played a major role in helping to enhance these operations is through the connections that our solutions provide every…
Read MoreThe past two-plus years have been difficult for every industry – especially the parking and mobility industry. The impact of entire communities and organizations shutting down, people working from home, events being canceled indefinitely, and more, have resulted in a significant reduction in parking demand. As a result, many organizations…
Read MorePeople are often very protective of their vehicles. Sometimes they even give them an affectionate name. They often keep them safely protected from the elements. Even going so far as to refer to their vehicle as their “baby”. And of course, while there is no comparison between one’s vehicle and…
Read MoreAre you familiar with the Durbin Amendment? If you are a parking owner or operator who typically accepts debit and credit cards for parking payments, you should know about it. Introduced to Congress in 2010, The Durbin Amendment was part of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act.…
Read MoreToday more than ever, organizations have access to a wealth of information not previously available or accessible in the public realm. Social media, for example, has opened windows into the world of nearly every organization that’s made a commitment to telling their story and interacting with their communities, clients, and…
Read MoreContactless payments are exactly opposite of what several dine-in restaurants and stores promoted pre-pandemic. But COVID-19 lockdowns and ongoing consumer concerns about exposure catapulted contactless payments to highest priority for those restaurants, hotels, and retailers who resisted implementing touchless payment platforms in the past. The market’s demand for touchless payment…
Read MoreRestaurants are reopening for dine-in across the nation this week, resurrecting valet and self-park operations. Pre COVID-19, some operators clung to paper ticket and cash business models to have their customers pay for parking, but everyone needs to go fully mobile to compete in this new business landscape. People are…
Read MoreIt’s controversial, but governors of some states are relaxing restrictions, allowing dine-in services to resume at restaurants and resurrecting valet business this week. As restaurants open up their doors again, though, there will be some changes: Limit of 10 customers per 500 square feet Employees wearing face coverings at all…
Read MoreWith mounting closures, restaurants, hotels and their employees are greatly impacted by the pandemic. It’s in moments like this we remember we’re not just colleagues, clients, and business owners, but friends, neighbors and communities. And we’ll rally and pick ourselves up—it’s how the hospitality industry and American business in general…
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